Not being able to post anything lately !!
I need a rest , i been not feeling very well since last week.
Not sleeping well, not seating right, all cos me a bad pain on shoulder
and nerve pain from shoulder down to my finger ,
the worst it’s happen on my right hand.
The pain cos me unable to move the mouse, type, write well, sleep and move.
i need a break, will be back once i m alright.
( luckily the Syria working trip was cancel , so i m slowing down on my work too)

23 Responses to “”

  1. Annie Q Says:

    Oh..hope it’s not too serious. Take a good rest and take good care of yourself. (((HUG)))

  2. ezekielys Says:

    maybe u need to have regular exercise … work n stress too much… kua…

  3. wen Says:

    go see a chiropractic. i used to have ache on my shoulder from using the mouse too long. it works

  4. shern's mom Says:

    oh well. hope you’re ok. rest well. blogging can wait. take care.

  5. andrewjune Says:

    hope you get well soon 🙂
    we will be waiting for you !

  6. jazzmint Says:

    aiyo.that shows time to rest, i get these pain on the wrist too and it gets me worried

  7. Miaoy Says:

    poor anggie。。


  8. Trinity Says:

    Take care Anggie… stay out from your mouse often.. 🙂

  9. bits of life Says:

    take care Anggie!

  10. Cat Cat Says:

    Ah Anggie, hope you will get better soon… Don’t worry about blogging… Health is more important ya..

  11. jacss Says:

    ooh..u seriously need a break dear!
    blog can catch up anytime, no worry!

  12. Vivian Wong Says:

    take care~

  13. sting Says:

    do take care ya, and get some good rest 🙂

  14. slavemom Says:

    Have a good break ya. Take care!

  15. Zoë Says:

    hope you have a speedy recovery!!

  16. Ita Says:

    Hey your shoulder pain came back? Hope you feel better.

  17. All Precious Moments Says:

    That sounds bad and serious. Take a good rest.

  18. JO-N Says:

    Please do take a rest. You obviously need one. If it’s serious, consult a doctor, ok?

  19. mama of 2LittleFellas Says:

    the pain on the wrist (Jazz’s case) is called karpal turnel symdrome but that only happens to the wrist.

    i have very high risk ergonomic issues too. the way we sit when we work especially when we look at notebook/desktop whole day. don’t take it lightly. i go for shoulder massages every week (if possible) to release the muscle tension so that it won’t accumulate to somethig serious later.

    Anggie, if it doesn’t go away… do consult a doc … just to make sure that you have it taken care of, k?

  20. bits of life Says:

    Hi, how are you now? Mind to do a tag?

  21. vickylow Says:

    Take good care of urself. You might need to see chiropractic.

  22. suesue Says:

    Are you OK. Take good care ya.

  23. JO-N Says:

    You are invited to my house warming party here (remember to pick up your door gift):

    and here (another door gift for you):

    and here (a third door gift for you):

    Please drop by. Waiting for you.

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